Y is the first letter in the word YEAR.You can quickly set any date field to the first day of the current year by positioning your cursor in that field, highlighting the data therein and typing Y.
R is the last letter in the word YEAR.You can quickly set any date field to the last day of the current year by positioning your cursor in that field, highlighting the data therein and typing R.
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Your Trusted Resource for Everything QuickBooks®
QuickBooks® financial accounting software is a powerful accounting tool for small business. However, many business owners have questions regarding the setup and ongoing use of the software as well as which version of this accounting software best fits their needs. As a QuickBooks® Advanced Certified ProAdvisor, I am a knowledgeable resource for you. Setting up QuickBooks® is half the battle. I can help. After interviewing you and your staff to determine which features your business should be using in QuickBooks® and which features will just get in your way, I can customize your QuickBooks® configuration. I will set up the features you need and turn off the ones you don’t. Doing this helps the software serve your business more efficiently.
Triage for Existing QuickBooks® Files
If you have a QuickBooks® data file already, but are having issues, my triage and tune up service will whip it into shape in no time and have you back on track. Consulting can be an on-going service, a one-time fix, or a setup only service. You determine the level of assistance you need.
The Perfect Solution for the Do-It-Yourself Business Owner
QuickBooks® can truly simplify your business accounting, but as with any software it only works well when you understand how to use the best features. In either a one-to-one session or in a group class setting, I can help you become an expert at running QuickBooks®. Some of the most common issues I assist with include:
When You Would Rather Be Golfing
If bookkeeping really isn’t your area of expertise, it is mine. Either onsite, or at my location, your bookkeeping needs will be taken care of with professionalism and expertise.
Bookkeeping areas where I help many of my clients include: